Team NXi



The latest


August 17th

Well after a long break from this website, I am back to updating. 


We finally sold our house in Wisconsin this past week and have relocated to North Carolina.  Justus completed his first year of college at Concordia University in Wisconsin and will start his sophomore year on August 25th. 


Kelsey will be a senior this year at NAHA and is busy with preparing for a successful year on and off the ice.


It is hard to believe that Justus will be 20 years old in April and Kelsey will be graduating from High School, where did the time fly?


Tracy and I enjoyed our first year of the empty nest a lot more then we thought we were. It is nice to come and go as we please and have a clean house 24/7. With the house selling in Wisconsin, we are hoping to begin our remodel project on the new house. It was a great price and the location should proof to be a good investment, but the house is not my favorite, other than the deep wrap around porch and the trees.



April 6th

This has been a busy few months. CSDHL play offs in Chicago, State play offs in Madison, District Play offs in Chicago, and the National tournament in Rochester New York. Lots of miles on the vehicles.  Well the winter season is over for both kids and now a little down time before the crazy summer takes off. 


School is also coming to a wind down. Both kids are really focusing and doing great down the stretch with their academics. Justus took his first SAT test in January and will take it again before the school year is out. He takes his ACTs this Saturday for the first time.  He is starting to think more about what he wants to do and where he wants to go for college.  First he would like to go where he can play hockey, so that narrows down his selections some. He would like to study foreign language to use in foreign affairs or business. He would also like to study graphic arts and possibly history.  He takes his AP history test in May and if he does well will get a college credit for it.


Kelsey is really enjoying high school and particularly loves science. She wants to pursue a career in the science field.  I think she has learned some lessons from her brother when it comes to study habits and her good grades are a reflection of that.  She will be attending NAHA next year for the hockey season and their 1-1 tutoring will be a huge benefit as she starts taking the more challenging classes.


February 3rd

Welcome to the New Year, just a few weeks late, but better late than never.  It has been a crazy few weeks already.  Hockey still takes up most of our weekends.  Kelsey's team is playing their CSDHL play off games this weekend. Justus' team has a few scrimmage weekends set up. His team just got back from Colorado, where they took second in the Colorado Outlaw Shootout.  Both teams are gearing up for the State playoffs and hope to advance to the District playoffs.  If they compete successfully, they will advance to the National Championships.


Tracy is traveling a lot like always. Business is really keeping him going and when he is home, either he or I are on the road with one of the kids. Both kids have some home games coming up, so that will be refreshing to spend a couple of weekends together.


Check out the kids pages, I have updated them with the latest stats.


November 28th

Happy Anniversary to Us. 18 years today.  It must be said that I am the luckiest woman alive to have such an awesome husband and great friend.  Tracy, I love you. 


Ok enough of the mushy stuff.  Thanksgiving has come and gone and like most turkey days of late, we spent it eating hotel buffet on the road, it was mediocre at best.  At least we got to spend it as a family, before Kelsey and Tracy hit the road for Detroit, for her tournament, while Justus and I stayed in Chicago for his tournament.  Both kids did pretty good and seem to be adjusting to school and hockey in a new environment.


Stats have been updated as well as team reports on each of the pages.


September 30th

Justus is featured on the front page of The Scouting News site today.  He has mixed feelings about the article.  He says it sounds like he is bragging. It's good to be humble, but this is a great event for him to get national recognition.  It looks like his year is starting off on a high note with regards to his hockey.  You can find all of the stories on the kids by typing their last name in the search bar on the Hockey Scouting site.


Both kids have hockey games this weekend and Mar is coming to visit for the first time.


August 30th

Play Hockey

After a very active and hectic Summer, the Neumann's are settling in for the upcoming season. Read "On the Go" for all of the sorted details of summer


Justus spent almost his entire summer vacation working through the rest of his school work and will be heading to Middleton High School for his Junior year.  We are still tossing and turning about what way Kelsey will go for the upcoming year. High School or Home school.


I finished making a calendar of all of the hockey events scheduled so far for the upcoming season.

so take a look under CALENDAR  for what's next on the Neumann agenda.


To access the details on any particular date you may need to click on the event and enter the following information:

Login- neumann
